The Benefits of Having a Home Office in Your NYC Apartment

What recently started as a necessity became a potential future trend. By now, many people in New York have been working from home. Even after the global crisis is calming down, a large percentage decide to continue to follow this trend. Surprisingly, some major employers agree and confirm the different benefits of having their employees work remotely. Given these points, there is a great chance we will never go back to the same way we used to work.

However, this is bringing up another matter in question for NYC residents. For many, the benefits of having a home office in your NYC apartment are apparent. But, given the situation in the real estate market, we now have to think about an additional factor when hunting for available living space. Having a spare room to set a home office might soon move to the top of your list of priorities.

For a lot of people, remote working is here to stay. We can see that even some major players in the business world are already reducing their office space. They give preference to virtual offices and allow their workers to stay at home. Here, some New Yorkers are already choosing to move to a bigger space, whether renting or buying exclusive apartments or switching to more affordable options in the suburbs. Nevertheless, this opens up additional opportunities for many people to adjust the way it suits them best. With remote working, you are not obliged to live close to your company because you have additional options to choose from. Of course, if it's just a temporary option, it won't be worth the trouble. But, if you have a long-term working opportunity, it's definitely worth the hassle.

When in doubt but have a chance to choose, here are some of the benefits of having a home office in your NYC apartment worth considering:

  1. You finally have a reason to get a bigger apartment

  2. Avoiding all that traffic jam

  3. Have a chance to design your office space

  4. No dress code to worry about

  5. You may even apply for some tax deductions

  6. A better work-life balance

  7. You get to spend more time with your family

1. You finally have a reason to get a bigger apartment

It will depend on your job type, but you can usually find more use of additional dedicated office space. However, this can be hard in large and expensive cities, especially those like New York. It's a constant struggle for better and more affordable apartments. For this reason, some decide to renovate their apartments and modify a part to a home office. But, there is only so much you can do in some small NYC apartments. That's why this situation is an excellent opportunity for a residential move and transfer to a bigger home and stop worrying about the space. This, of course, is now possible because you don't have to strictly consider the job distance. You can get more spacious apartments outside of the city centers and quickly set a home office to accommodate your working needs.

2. Avoiding all that traffic jam

Avoiding commuting and long driving to work is one of the most significant benefits in New York. Many people have been spending hours in heavy traffic on their way to work. And quite often, they come home with merely enough strength to prepare for the next day. With a home office, this is not a case anymore:

  • You are free to take your coffee in peace while waiting for your shift to start.

  • Can use the saved time to complete your household tasks.

  • Have more time to prepare food and eat healthily.

  • Will avoid all the anxiety of getting on time for work.

  • No more pressure while coming home in the dark through suspicious corners of the city.

Most importantly, you will save money you otherwise spend on gas, commuting, or lunches and coffees. Not to mention that you are contributing to a healthy environment when not using your car.

3. Have a chance to design your office space

In a corporate space, you don't usually get a lot of freedom to rearrange your workplace. Yes, you can place a photo or two, have a plant decorating your desk, or eventually choose better furniture. But, in an office inside your apartment, you are free to set things however you want. The workplace is a lot more than a desk and computers, for example. You can design, decorate, arrange, and choose your own equipment to make an office you enjoy working in at home. You can organize your environment for your appeal, unlike the company space that lacks the comfort of a home. Comparing this to cubicles or sterile offices is obviously not necessary.

4. No dress code to worry about

Except for special meetings, a home office gives you "freedom of clothing". You can freely choose to work in whatever you feel most comfortable in. There is no pressure on a specific dress code because no one will be hovering over your shoulder. Also, you won't have to spend additional time preparing your "New Yorker appearance". The only thing that matters are the results, productivity, and efficiency. And for many industries, remote working provides just that.

5. You may even apply for some tax deductions

For both renters and owners in New York City and similar places, tax deductions for the home office can be considerable. The only caveat is that the part of the home you are using as a working space is exclusively dedicated to business. Having an extra room, in this case, clearly helps a lot. But, there is a chance to get a deduction through the "Regular" method by assigning a specific percentage of your apartment for conducting business only. In other words, this space should not be used for any other purpose.

6. A better work-life balance

A home office is not just a simple convenience only. In general, it allows you to have a better balance between your job and your personal life. You will have more time for recreation, hobbies, and other activities. Even on your breaks, these activities are helping you relax, recharge batteries, and save both physical and mental health. On top of it, people dealing with chronic conditions won't have a hard time dealing with it in public.

7. You get to spend more time with your family

Another significant benefit for many people in New York is that this allows you to spend more time with your family. How many hours are people spending just on traveling to work? In some cases, it's even over 200 hours every year. About an entire week, 24/7 accounted. Not to mention weekends where there is always some work we try to make up for.

Unfortunately, having a home office is not suitable for all types of work. But, if you belong to the lucky group, the benefits of having a home office in your NYC apartment are pretty evident. When working in a pleasant environment, appropriate by all accounts, your productivity, efficiency, and satisfaction grow. Some already think that we are entering a "Golden Age" of remote working by all accounts.

What do you think? Drop a comment and let us know!


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